Sports Turf Construction
We bring the processes, strategic partnerships, technology, staff and resources to deliver a highly specialised service for the complete project management and construction of sports surfaces.
We are proud to lead the way with a specialist turf team who bring together unrivalled experience in the design and construction of high quality and sustainable sports surfaces. Our project focus is on the delivery of premium sports surfaces that give your athletes and participants the best possible sporting experiences.
We are well-equipped to meet the technical challenges of building sports surfaces from the ground up. - Cameron Sutherland, General Manager
We offer a total package from the initial planning and scope of works, to construction and maintenance of the completed project. We have the capability to handle the full construction, re-surfacing and re-profiling of sports surfaces.
We have the equipment, technology, experience and leadership to manage the construction of sports surfaces including golf courses, football grounds, sports ovals, bowling greens, tennis courts, cricket wickets and more.
This service is not limited to the playing surfaces themselves, but includes construction of associated infrastructures such as irrigation pump stations, retaining walls, fencing, and lighting.